The Other Person.

As might be an obvious statement from my most recent posts, I have become fascinated with people as of late. It dawned on me, somehow, that other people exist in this world (not just me). These people have intrinsic value. They have stories. They have histories. They live and breath and move in the very world I do. While I am off doing my thing, they are in the same present reality becoming who they will be.

So I have been trying to adjust my often self-centered world-view to accommodate the other multiple-billion humans who occupy this planet with me. It's a step-by-step journey, but it's fascinating and rewarding.

This evening I had the pleasure of spending a couple hours of life with my cousin at Panera. She had soup in a bread-bowl. I had cheddar cheese melted on sourdough bread. I also had a coffee (they have good coffee there). We spent those few moments together talking about life - school, college plans, relationships, spirituality, truth, etc. She has seen a lot of things in her 17 years that have shaped her into a marvelous woman - she enjoys the arts, she values the elderly, she humbly receives advice and instruction. I admire her.

We parted ways and I felt blessed for the interaction. I was able to give up a few hours of my evening tonight and share in the life of another person. It was great.

Then, I had a chance to swing by my friend's house. I don't see this friend often, but care deeply for him and his family. My goddaughter is incredibly cute - she wore her princess dress around the house, talked a lot, and drew a wonderful(ly horrible) picture of me with happy eyes (after I had her erase the picture of me with mean eyes). It was good to be around my friend again. It was nice to take him to a gas station for a pop. It was fun watching videos of laughing babies on YouTube.

I think tonight was a tiny representation of what living for and loving others looks like. It was such a simple thing for me to spend time with these people. It demanded sacrifice, but it was small and easily overlooked.

I need more times like this in my life. And I hope that I can have eyes to see opportunity and wonderful occasion when they come along.

The Other Person is so intriguing. When I am able to shut up, be still, and listen - their story is such a wonderful thing to hear.

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