Another? So Soon?

So, I was sitting in the den and a thought just popped into my mind. But, first, a little background.

My dad and I traveled to Midway last night to check out a coffee shop and hear a set by a musician who often plays/sings with our worship team at church. As her time drew to a close she began to speak about World Vision - a great organization dedicated to serving needs around the world. She ended with a quote from Mother Theresa: "If you can't feed 100 people, then feed just 1."

Rewind back to a conversation I was having with a friend some time ago about possibly sponsoring/adopting a child through Compassion International or World Vision. His heart and intentions are good, so I don't take this comment in a horribly negative way, but he expressed concern over the amount of help these offerings actually give. He thought of them as a band-aid rather than an immediate or far-reaching channel of change. I understand where he is coming is much more weighty on someone's heart to completely change a situation for the better rather than becoming a monthly caretaker for small, simple needs.

So, as I thought about the quote from last night, and his comments, I heard a new thing in my mind. "If you cannot prevent the wounds from being made, at least apply a band-aid."

Our small contributions ($30 per month) may not dramatically improve the quality of life in these impoverished countries. There may be no removal for these families from horrible locations and situations. It might just be a meal that keeps them alive one more day, month, or year.

So as much as I want their lives to be dramatically improved; as much as I would love to see the country turn around and the effects of greed, overpopulation, disease, and so many other terribly things go away - I cannot deny these people one more day of life. One more month. One more year.

A small sacrifice can become a massive hand of help.


Anonymous said...

So you got a kid yet???

tdurbs said...

Nope. Haven't taken the step yet (I know...great way to validate my entire post).