The Wisdom Of Christ.

It continues to amaze me (in a wonderful way) how truth and relevancy is found in the Bible. Some might disagree, but I believe in absolute, universal truth. There is a source of all that is good, all that is right, and all that is true. That truth may sometimes be difficult to understand, even more difficult to grasp, relate, and submit to - but it exists. I continue to find that truth every time I take time to open the Word of God. I have faith, and have seen in my own life, that on a broad scope, and even in specific situations - the truth and the wisdom of Christ shines brightly off the pages and into my heart, mind, and soul.

Yet this is much more important, and much bigger, than what some consider just a book. The reason why the Bible is so valuable, why it is so packed full of truth and relevance is because it testifies about someone. You could say that the words on that page are merely a mirror that reflects the amazing qualities of an amazing being.

That being is Jesus Christ.

Every word of Scripture is not meant to be reduced to rules and regulations, stories and poems and genealogies. The impact of the Bible is to introduce people to a magnificent, holy, living God. The end-all is not that people would stop doing something, or start doing something, or know this, or know that. The finality is that a person would come face-to-face with Jesus Christ - the savior of the world, the creator of the universe, the lover of our souls.

And that is why I weep at the current state of this world. It is fallen and broken and nasty and painful. There are more people than I can even fathom who are suffering unthinkable things. But the tragedy in all of this is not that they are losing on a scale of how comfortable and wonderful life can be, it's that every day that passes they are losing out on the chance to know God.

To know healing. To know love. To know acceptance. To know mercy. To know sufficiency. To know beauty. To know kindness. To know truth. To know purpose.

Again - to know Jesus.

And so it burns in my heart (because I am so awful at fulfilling this quest) to show people this amazing God that I have been blessed to find. Not because I am right. Not because I am holier than they are. Not because I am stronger, or smarter, or better. But because they absolutely need to meet this God.

Robbie Seay Band, "Come Ye Sinners":

Come ye sinners - the poor and needy
Weak and wounded - sick and sore
And Jesus ready stands to save you
Full of pity, love and power

I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
And in the arms of my dear Savior
Oh, there are ten thousand charms

Or, as the One I feel honored and blessed to know once said (and still says):

"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28, ESV)

"And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." (Luke 11:9-10, ESV)

Let us spend every day asking, seeking, and knocking - in the great hope that our merciful, loving, compassionate, awesome God would bless us with receiving, finding, and opening.

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