So, Yeah...'s 4:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. I was absolutely exhausted when I got back from church this evening (which was an amazing service, by the way). After I got home, I ended up taking a quick walk down the road, but my dad's warnings of crazy people lurking in the darkness certainly worked to hasten my return. There was nothing good on television, and the internet just isn't doing it for me lately, so I laid down - took maybe a 30-minute nap - and was back up because of hunger and hail (a quick downpour, pretty small stuff, but it woke me up nonetheless).

Now - about 4 or so hours later - I'm still up. I turned on the stereo a while back and went through some old mix CDs I had in there. A lot of nostalgia...made me a bit giddy. I rummaged through my dad's CDs a couple minutes ago and found a bunch I like (that used to be mine before I decided to sell almost all my CDs to him). Dave Matthews Band, Crash, is currently in the discman.

I think I'm excited about plans tonight. It's our weekly meeting to hit up Common Grounds for coffee and open-mic night, and my friend has been out of town for the whole it should be really great. There are also other reasons why I think the blood is pumping quicker and the mind is racing - but we'll leave those out for right now (nothing bad, I promise).

Anyway - everyone should go out and buy "Better Days" by Robbie Seay Band. I was listening to it this evening on the way home from church and it is absolutely amazing. Really unique sound, awesome lyrics, great for fun or just a nice, moody evening. It is totally multi-faceted. If you do pick it up, check out songs 7 and 8 - those happen to be my favorites of the moment.

So what's up with everyone out there? I'm pretty sure someone comes by here, at least occasionally, because the site tracker logs show unique visitors - and it doesn't count me. Send a comment my way and let me know how things have been, what's going on in your life, what I can pray for, what I can celebrate with you for...all that good stuff.

And I think I'm out. Probably not to sleep. More Dave Matthews I imagine.

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