A Conflict of Interests?

That is correct - you are seeing Tux as the background to my XP machine. For some reason I have this newfound fascination and exuberance towards open source software, specifically Fedora Core 2 (and a bit of Ubuntu) to which I have been working with. I have no idea if this is just my normal act of getting into something heavily and then quickly leaving it behind - or if I will (after a semester full of trouble, learning, and other negative things) still decide to implement open source across my entire network here at the house. Only time will tell, but I am kind of excited about all the stuff I have learned over the past week - even if it isn't extensive, advanced, or spectacular knowledge.

Plus, the penguin is kind of cool :)

Addendum: Found this online - and found it rather funny. (It's animated...so wait and watch it all)

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