The Battle, The Cry.

Tonight our goal during life group was to make aware our guys that there is a battle going on around us. In fact, the battle that wages during every second of our lives is an invisible one – a battle against spiritual enemies and things not seen. We also wanted to convey to our guys that they are called to be warriors in Christ – fighting these battles with the power of God.

In that, I decided to write my battle cry out, opening my heart to what is going on in my life. To what I long for. To what I fear. To what I hope.

My battle cry is for Christ to consume every part of my life, my mind, my heart, my soul, my being. I long for the courage to seek the nations for the glory of God. I long for the faith to speak Paul’s words and have their truth echo in my heart “To live is Christ, to die is gain.” I thirst for God in this land where I am so easily separated from His living water. I hunger for God even when my stomach is full on the sins of this world. I mourn for the blindness, deafness, and muteness of this world – consumed with their false idols, reflecting their inability to truly bring truth, life, love, or anything else that the only Living God has promised us in Christ. I fear, but long, for the fires of this life – the testing and refining fires of the presence of my God. Who is there but You God? Who or what am I that you even acknowledge my presence? Show mercy to me in my constant weakness – empower me with Your Spirit. Help me to rest in Your promises. Lord, use me for Your will – I am a vessel for Your righteousness to shine in this dark world. May I never boast but in the cross of Christ, through which you crucified my old self – the sins and slavery of the flesh. The cross on which you purchased me for Yourself. The cross where blood was shed for my penance, for my cleansing, for Your glory. Praise you for the resurrection of Jesus – to which I shall share because of Your great mercy towards me. May I never forget the love you showed me while in my darkest place, at just the right time, while I was still an enemy to You. I long to be mature in Christ, so I look to Your for guidance, for instruction. Incline me to Your Word – living and breathing off the pages. Give me a heart for Scripture. Intercede for me, and for others through me, with swooping, faithful prayers. Teach me to hear Your gentle, quiet, loving voice.

I am Yours, Jesus.

1 comment:

SMITTY said...

not to change the subject or anything...but I will. You have got to help me with putting a picture on mine and getting a cool looking title "deal" like your blog. I have not idea how to do all that. Teach me oh wise one.