A Quick Rave.

I thought it might be fitting to mention that Jesus can and will help you with any troubles you are having in your life - no matter how minute or unimportant they might seem. He wants you to experience freedom - and to live life with joy in Him. If you don't already have Him in your heart, invite Him in today (a tribute to His glorious resurrection!). For those who already know Jesus - let us continue to praise His name and bring glory to God. Everyday is a chance to share the Good News - and how awesome it is to be on the receiving end!

(As a sidenote - did anyone see the Illinois game? at the very end when the player was showing off his shoes decked out with bible verses and the name "Jesus" on one shoe, with "Christ" on the other? Some might have seen him as kind of odd - but I saw a man giving praise where it was due. I love seeing Jesus glorified.)

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