Church Today.

(Edit: I felt it absolutely necessary to comment that not even one day ago I was feeling low and defeated - and God has already had the grace to lift me up, this morning and tonight, probably higher than I have ever been. I cannot think of words enough to praise Him...)

Both my morning group I go to and the evening service were amazing.

In the earlier we were having our second week of what was called "Club Café." The mission of it (as far as I can gather) was to create a place where college-students (the chosen demographic for this specific group setting) could come, listen to music, dance, and have fun - while still focusing on the Lord...and also while learning a little bit spiritually, too.

Near the end we came together in small groups (3-4 people) and basically talked about what God was doing in our lives, then we migrated into a prayer circle with each person hitting on specific topics related to what had been discussed. I got the chance to talk about my call to ministry and was supported (which is great) and also had a chance to pray for the group (which I am normally very anxious about). In this situation, though, I feel I did really well - which I can only attribute to the power of the Holy Spirit, and God working in my life.

The evening service was great. Not only did my best friend come back, but so did his wife (whom I thought might have made last week her last trip, had it not been for the great things going on in her life right now). Either way - it was great to have them there...but it was also something very moving for me. I have to say it was one of the best in quite a while - I "realized" a lot of things (or was shown rather). From now on I am going to (try) not to worry about what people think about me and my relationship with God - and I am going to (try) to proclaim His name and glory wherever I go (which is a direct relation to my going ahead with trying to become a licensed minister). The only reason I say "try" above is because I know I am not perfect and will not always be able to keep up with my "vow" - but I am going to try my hardest - because God deserves it (and more).

My goals for the (near) future:

1. Get VERY involved with God's word (for my personal benefit, as well as to be more familiar with things I want (and need) to have knowledge of).

2. Start a bible study (this is something I've really wanted to do for a while, but can now take part in (hopefully) with my friends - because of their newfound interests).

3. Strengthen my prayer life (with the power and results I have seen already, this could be marked equally with #1).

4. Start working on and fixing/conquering/removing/etc. (with the Lord's help) the things in my life that need work.

5. Anything I may have missed above.

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