A Call To Ministry?

Lately I have been having some thoughts about my chosen occupation. I absolutely love information technology and the world I would be involved in when I graduate in 2006 (if I can find a job, of course). However, people have been talking to me a lot about a different career path that has made me wonder what exactly the next few years have in store for me.

While I was over at my cousin's house ("helping" him install a network) I realized that a lot of the skills I thought I had (and probably should have) were not there. It then dawned on me that in the few years I have been in college - I haven't really learned a whole lot (or so I thought then). I started thinking hard (for that moment) whether or not the few people who thought my going into the ministry might be right.

I really do not want to be in school anymore when May of 2006 rolls around and I walk the stage to accept my Bachelor's. It has just taken a lot out of me - and I am both bored with it and tired of all of the hassle. Also, any change in careers at this point would be very late - and would have a dramatic effect on my "life plan."

While I think it would be fun to talk about God for a living - and something I am very sure I would be very passionate about - I just do not think it fits. It makes absolute sense, but I don't think it fits. I'm just more worried at this point in my life about finishing school and finding the love of my life to even consider changing such a big path.

If anyone still comes to this site - I would love some opinions on the matter. Thanks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to follow your heart. Stop listening to your mind. I know you well enough to know that you are an organized, planning kinda guy. But for once you need to take a chance. That is what life is about. God gave us the right to choose and I know that you know that. You may not want to think about it, but your "life plan" may not work. Stop trying to find life and love and let it come to you. Live life don't let life live you. No one can answer those questions, you and God are the only ones. But what can I say? I've never been one to be organized. Even when I write it is as random as my brain. I have been where you are although not in the same sense. But just think about what I have told you and listen to God as you already do. When I met J that was not something I expected or wanted. Yes, I too wanted to meet the right one, but you can not expect it to come walking in the door. I love you and I trust in what decisions you make for yourself.