Thank You.

I have been learning more and more how important the Holy Spirit is in my life - in regards to my simply knowing God to learning more about Him. I often times forget about Him when I pray and send out my praises - but I want to start here by just saying Thank You!

Tonight was a very good Encounter class. I had heard some of the theological perspectives on Christians being called "saints" or "sinners" - but it was taken a bit further and I liked some of the examples that were given in relation to ideas I held but needed further building on (particularly God's faithful, infinite acceptance in Christ and the metamorphosis that takes place when Christ enters your life - and when you place faith in Him and accept Him as Lord and Savior). I am still struggling with my faith a bit - mainly the big things like surrender and trust (not beliefs). We talked tonight about how the only sin that prevents one from entering Heaven is the sin of disbelief - which I am still a bit worried about, but I think that I am okay because I do believe...I am just learning to accept that belief as a reformation (rebirth) of my life and to put my total trust in God. But, whether an excuse or not, I have only been following (or really have KNOWN) about Christ for 5 or so months...I'm still a baby.

I'm so excited right now about Christ. I know that I sometimes neglect to immerse myself in God's Word - or to do the things that I would really like to do (which is different than the theology - I learned tonight - of being required to do so). I just want to sit here and BE WITH CHRIST. Just absorb every bit of Him (and then, of course, send that back out for everyone else to enjoy :)).

Those shirts (or stickers, or something) that say "Jesus Rocks!" aren't lying.

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