One Week?

So much has happened to me in the past seven days that I cannot believe it has only been so few that have passed. I have had so many thoughts about God, and Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I have learned a whole lot as well. Plus, things have continued to move in the arena of my normal day-to-day life. Absolutely craziness!

Anyway, I have resolved to be a bit better about getting homework done. I neglected it a bit yesterday with previous plans and improvisation - and thus far today things have gotten in the way again, but I think I am going to stay home tonight rather than go to this forum and try to complete a few homework assignments that will actually put me ahead (thank You, Lord for this opportunity).

As far as updating the blog - I haven't forgotten. I see the little button on my quick-link bar every time I start up my's just other things have taken its place. I still want to share a lot with the world (however small that readership might be in this particular arena).

I also started going through my movies and pulling them to my HDD so I can edit/backup/burn DVDs of all my precious memories - so that is yet another thing in the way. Time will tell...

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