I Went To A Strip Club Tonight...

and I am here to tell everyone that Jesus is SO much better.

Better than the naked girls inches away from me. Better than the image of a girl I am attracted to projected onto one of those naked women. Better than the cigarette I faked smoking. Better than the crude jokes that were said. Honestly, even better than the small amount of time I got to hang out with an old friend.

On my way home I put my WOW Christian CD into the player and went through a few familiar and favorite songs of mine - and in those few minutes singing praises to my Lord - I felt better, happier, and more fulfilled than had I stayed at that place all night.

It breaks my heart that more people do not know Jesus. It makes me sad how many people do not follow the way of Love - the MOST EXCELLENT WAY. I will readily admit I have struggles sometimes - to leave behind the selfish life, to believe certain things, to give up certain things...but the reward is beyond imagination.

I was thinking tonight about a problem I had with Jesus' sacrifice - laying down one's life for a friend. I have often thought, "What makes His sacrifice any different than other people who have died for their friends? Their country? Their belief?" Tonight I found my answer. Jesus did not only die for His friends. He didn't suffer the cross just for Jerusalem, Isreal, or any other specific country. He wasn't humbled to the point of death to make a religious (or any other point). He died for people who might never even recognize Him. He laid down His life for those who can choose to ignore Him, or even blaspheme Him. Even to this day He has not seen His glory deserved (YES, DESERVED). Jesus died for the world. He defeated death for life - for love. I cannot think of another person I can say those same things about. Honorable sacrifices? Yes. "Jesus caliber"? Not even close.

Thank you so much Jesus. While I pray that more people will turn to Your love - to the Father's love - I long now for the day when You will split the sky and make Your kingdom known. Praise be to God for His love - because everyday I start to see a little more that it is truly better than life.

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