Happy Valentine's Day?

Well - it hasn't been too extremely happy...because I am still single. But, it's not like I am totally alone, just relationship wise. I have my family, my friends, and most importantly, I've got Jesus.

I went to my grandmother's today and gave her a Valentine's Day card. We hung out for a bit and then I returned home. Quite an eventful day.

Things have been going quite well in my spiritual journey, however. I have been attending my usual Sunday services, as well as my class on Wednesday. On Friday we had a new thing, called T2 (based around the book Titus in the Bible). It is a time when college students can get together in groups of the same sex to build life groups (basically accountability groups that are more personal in nature). I really like the idea - because community is something I have really been longing for since I became a Christian.

One of the "leaders" (an older person serving each group) prayed for me about finding the community I needed and God pretty much answered it immediately - I hung out with some really cool people that very evening at dinner - and was part of a bible study group the next day (which I will be attending every Saturday). I also found out there is a thing going on Wednesday nights at 8 - so I might check that out sometime.

Other than my hopes to get in shape in the coming months (which is absolutely possible if I ever get off my butt) I plan on giving God more time in my life. I want to start going through the Bible each day - because I know how important it can be in our relationship...but I have just been ingrained with this procrastination lifestyle and it is a bit difficult to be less selfish about my time.

We'll see...

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