Break My Heart...

Lord, for the things that break Yours.

I am taking a course at my church that revolves around the book "The Ragamuffin Gospel" by Brennan Manning. Last week we had a speaker in that was talking about the homeless and the impact we could have in their lives and how much assistance they really need. This week, a lady came in and was talking to us about Haiti (where the normal main speaker for the class was actually returning from a mission trip). I didn't expect much from the class at all (when I first walked in I was a bit taken back by the fact we hadn't really discussed the book much in the class).

However, now that I take a look back at the previous weeks - and at this most recent experience I had in the class - I realize that it never really was about the book. What I have learned and taken personally from reading through it is a wonderful thing - but the message that has been spoken to me through the personal revelation in the class is what is of greatest importance. I walked out tonight realizing that God speaks to us sometimes when we least expect to hear His voice.

I was so moved this evening when we watched a tape showing a bit about mission trips to Haiti - it was actually stirring witnessing people being baptized in the water, and the great effect that had on their lives. On the film was also an example about how strong and important prayer is in changing the life of someone who is under satan's control - and how God is absolutely powerful enough to win another soul.

Then, the lady speaking shared a story with the same conclusion - a person who once followed the road of satan worship (where there it revolves mostly around fear) and voodoo who was turned by the miraculous experience of witnessing God's power.

I was thinking seriously last night about mission trips - and I feel in my heart that I will take one some day...I just don't believe I am ready right now. I plan on going to Phoenix this summer for 3 months to work at a Christian Youth Camp - and I would like to ramp up my involvement in giving to my community. I also had a friend who has expressed interest in learning more about the changes going on in my life - which I am certain is a door that God is opening for me to show him the glory of Christ. We'll just have to see - but I'm hoping my spiritual journey will continue to grow as it looks it will...because I think I am gaining more readiness to become a better Christian - and more importantly, a greater tool for God's will.

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