
I've got a real nice cavity eating my tooth right now. I went in for a cleaning a while back and they found it - and suggested a filling - but I haven't gone back yet. It has started hurting here in the last hour or so way more than it has for the past few weeks...I think I may have angered it. Either way, I think it may be part of the reason I have been having headaches recently. I've got a couple smaller ones, too - so it looks like I will be going back to the dentist soon. I hate having stuff like this happen/done - hopefully it won't cost too much (since I am not back on my dental insurance plan yet).

As far as spiritual cavities - I don't know...probably about the same as any day. I have decided that I want to take my bible with me pretty much wherever I go - just in case I either get a free moment and actually decide to read it - or in case I need it for some other reason. My want to read the New Testament (or start, really) has been rather failing as well. It's not that I have too much stuff going on in my life right now - it's just that I spend an abnormal amount of time procrastinating and putting OFF that stuff.

Which is probably why my tooth aches right now...

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