
Updates: Haven't been on Blog Explosion for a bit - so no one has been viewing the site because of it. I also have not been posting since the 15th, so I guess it all evens out. I slept, for the most part, all of Sunday afternoon/evening and then most of Monday...and now I am going to be (trying) to stay up all of Tuesday...so we'll see how things work out. I have a lot of errands to run today - so energy is a needed commodity in my area right now.

I still want to be in a Christian metal band, but my progress towards that goal has not increased since my last mention of it. I've been pretty useless during the past couple of days and I cannot say a lot positive has come from that.

I found a book the other day (or, really, pamphlet) with advice for new converts (to Christianity). Even though I have been walking the path for a couple months, I can still admit that my faith and the like is still in its infancy - so there were some great things in there for me. The only part I actually read was about having doubts (because that spoke most heavily to my current situation). It said that all new Christians have doubts and that I should not rely on my feelings to determine whether or not I really love and trust God - which made me think that maybe I do have a lot of faith and satan is trying to trick me back to his side. I really don't like him that much - he always wants to mess up all the good things going on in my life. Why he doesn't just spend his time with his followers is beyond me - there should be some kind of line that he is not allowed to cross...that would be so much easier.

I wrote some songs that I hope to eventually perform in my white metal band. The first one was about satan - and how Christ (and we in Him) - are above his trials and torments. I thought it was pretty good, but I am a biased critic. I also wrote a bit of a second song and then some choruses I liked. Maybe I'll post them up to see what people think...although I am a bit afraid that someone might steal them and start their own band with them...which would suck for me.

I bought some CDs tonight of a band called "Sinai Beach" (of which I am listening to a few tunes right now). They are a really good metalcore band, if you are into that thing. And their lyrics are very Christ-centered, while also reflecting the secular world and the effects of it that we live in. I also heard they are pretty cool at witnessing to people - which made me like them even more. It'd be cool if I could witness to more people. I think if everyone found love in God it would be a lot better world.

But I am a biased critic in that department.

1 comment:

Ant said...

You may or not be interested in Lowdrive a rock band from Coventry UK who are Christians:


There's the link anyway
