My Dad Kicks Ass!

Pray today for: Strong family bonds (both with God the Father, and "normal" relatives).

First, I'll mention that my dad stomps all kinds of ass even when we don't hang out and spend money all day - but today was cool because I got a couple things I am really excited about.

I apologize to all the people who are not related to my dad - because you are seriously lacking. He totally took care of my Simpson craving by purchasing Ashlee Simpson's album for me today. I'm about to throw it in the CD player and rock out - but I wanted to capture my elation here for everyone. I know there are a lot of words going around about her, but I still love her and hope to one day marry her...or something.

Anyway - I also got a couple of DVDs (Drop Dead Fred and Bring It On) as well as some devotional/Christian living books I found on sale. I bought (or he for me) one of those cheap Wal Mart watches, too - because I have a watch around here somewhere, but the band is too tight to wear.

I love spending time with my father. We weren't really close during my teenage years (as many people will relate...we tend to think we know everything and hate to be bothered with parents). Here recently, though, we have become close again - and I always have fun when we hang out - even if we don't end up spending just happened to be an exception. So, to end this post (even if he never sees it) - James, you rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that the father son bond is the coolest... good luck with that...
