50 Years, 50 Things.

Found this nice little list of 50 things this gentleman learned in his 50 years of existence. I think that we (those who are younger) can learn a lot from those who are more advanced than us in years. A lot of wisdom comes from simply living life - and much of what would be beneficial for us to know doesn't necessarily come easily or naturally. For myself, I plan on paying attention to the words of my elders. Not that I necessarily have to agree, or will always understand - but it never hurts to help form perspective.

* As an added bonus - check out this list. Valuable insight from a man who has been following Jesus for 30+ years. I hope to have wise things to share when I am further along in my own journey.


dle said...


Thank you for linking to my post on Cerulean Sanctum that features the Bible-reading plan suggestion. I pray it blesses your readers.

Will said...

It's been weeks. Your silence is disconcerting to me.

Will said...

It was great to hear your comments during our staff meeting today... yet others could enjoy them if you would post something.

Anonymous said...

You have words in your head. Why not on your blog?