(Just) Five Things About Jesus.

I was tagged by Will while on vacation, and I'm at a place now (mainly, home) when I can think about my response.

Without further ado: 5 Things That Make Me Feel Like Jesus Is Pretty Cool

1. He knew one of his friends was going to stab him in the back, his closest buddies were going to desert him, most people were going to hate him, and that his life was going to be 33 years of suffering, and still chose to come to us.

2. Regardless of how often I screw up (very often, for those who don't know me), how bad of a job I do representing him, and the fact that I was partly to blame for him dying, I still get an overwhelming feeling he loves me (and wants me).

3. I have found that living like Jesus (while extremely difficult and sometimes painful) really is the best way to live.

4. All of my questions/doubts/rebellion, that remain even after becoming a Christian, cannot stand against him.

5. Of the many great things I've seen and done in this life, nothing calls to me with such beauty and love like Jesus.

And, to go along with the flow, I ask these five people to send me their 5 reasons:

. Christen
. Joshua
. Karen
. Vic
. Dotty

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