That's My Boy!

So, one of my new year's resolutions was to stop stalling, trust God, and adopt sponsor a child. I'll admit my reservations: I was worried about where the (small amount of) money I was going to be giving would be truly going; I was worried that this type of support was only a band-aid to a dramatic global condition - that what I was doing wouldn't amount to a hill of beans in this world. I'd never done anything like this before. I wondered whether my money would be better spent supporting the homeless, the widow, and the orphan here locally.

But I wanted to trust God. I wanted to put my money where my mouth was and take the step of faith that my measly dollars could actually improve someone's life. That I could enter into this sponsorship and pray for this child and that God would actually move in their life.

And so I just got done giving my information to World Vision. I'm now a child sponsor.

I'm not going to post his picture here, yet, because I don't know the "rules." But I can tell you that my boy's name is Eduardo. He lives in Nicaragua. He's seven years old. He likes to paint.

So I'm supporting an artist. Who lives in a country whose main export is coffee.

Seems like divine appointment to me :)

If you would - join me in praying for Eduardo, and for all the children who might not get sponsored today (or ever). Pray that I will stay committed to this journey. It's exciting - and I hope for all the best.

1 comment:

SMITTY said...

Good work. Although, I must admit that I started freakin' out after the first sentence. "Adopt" carries a different indexical meaning in my mind.