Don't Miss It!

Thank the Lord for thunderstorms. For when you face such things, experience such power, you become blissfully aware of the truth of Scripture.

"The heavens declare the glory of Him"
For if such are merely thoughts
and quick works of his hands,
Than what but majestic is this God?

I quickly think to "The Reaping" and it's catchphrase - "What hath God wrought?" - as if the plagues of God represent him fully (as if the people who made this movie even understand the God who drafted those scourges). I imagine this is the case (because I can see it clearly in my own life right now). We see and experience things in this obviously imperfect world and that naturally calls into question the goodness of God (if he even exists to us). We are quick to forget the grandness and ability and beauty of this God of April thunderstorms - holding steadfast on present, but momentary, feelings of doubt and question.

Thankfully, that is exactly what they are - temporary. Because long after the echo of this campaign against God's shown might - the heavens (made new and perfect by his hands) will continue to eternally tell of his Beauty. And I tell you the truth, his beauty is good.

The storms and the clouds passed.
and in their wake left clear, clean, star-filled skies.
The storm was temporary (the storm is temporary)
I could see (I can see) the stars for the first time
since the storm began
My God, are they beautiful.

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