Public Declaration.

So in the coming months, if all goes according to plan, there will not be any people to misunderstand the things happening in my life - I have decided to come here to publicly proclaim and explain the journey (as I know it) that I am embarking on. I would never want any poor soul to think of me more highly than I deserve (which, in honesty, is pretty nil).

"Insta-Prayer" - From now on, out of personal conviction and because of my track record with following things through - if someone has a prayer request for me, and I know them well enough to know they will not be freaked out by the act, I will pray with and for, at the instant such a request arises, any person. I have no intentions of stepping onto my carry-around soapbox and displaying for all to see my spiritual praying power. I also want to steer clear of the person I am praying for thinking the same. The only reason I am doing this is because I know, generally speaking, I won't pray for that person unless I do it right then and there. And, with this first step out of the way - who knows...maybe more prayer will follow.

Living (Dancing, Singing, Praying...) Sacrifice - I'm tired of being personally embarrassed about my worship. I want to sing and dance and be crazy - regardless of whether it's happening personally or corporately. This specific choice relates particularly to the music and praise aspect of worship - but I am not against it coming out in other areas. I want no shame in my outward expression of the joy I have for being the Lord's.

Similarly related to this is my desire to decrease the awareness I have of myself. I'm tired of lifting my hands and spinning around (Marvelous Light) and being wholly aware of the fact that I am doing it. When I close my eyes and begin a time of relflection and praise - I want to forget who I am and have ever before me - burned into my heart, mind, soul, and the backs of my eyelids - the glory of God.

Evangelical Prowess - I love music. I think it's some of the greatest stuff out there. I enjoy movies quite a bit as well. Man, do I love hanging out at a coffeeshop. I am full of opinions. I totally dig sleeping in sometimes. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Mighty to Save.

See what I am talking about? It's time to speak up about this. For two reasons. One, it's kind of a big deal. I mean - if I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, that He does in fact bring us to the Father - why am I not telling anyone and everyone?

Secondly, if I really enjoy this relationship with a living God so much...if I really do "love" Him...shouldn't he be part of my conversations with people? I have no qualms letting people know how great the new mewithoutYou album is. Where's the fear in dropping the J-bomb coming from?

Three In 3 - I asked God to give me three years of spiritual growth over the next three years of time. Wow, one might say...that seems like a hefty prayer. It's not really.

First, I stole the idea from a girl at my friend's church. She was delivering the message the day I went with them and she told those in attendance how she asked God for six years of spiritual growth in one year. That is a hefty prayer. Asking to just simply grow up over the next three years seems a bit small in comparison.

Second, the entire job of God fulfilling this request and my ability to handle an answered prayer is already kicking my butt. I have already been faced with serious doubts about the direction of my life, my personal (faith) convictions, my ability to minister...etc., etc.

I wonder what the next 1,093 days are going to look like since I first made the request?

So there you have it. There is probably a bit more - but that seems like a nice starting point. If you're the praying type, I would appreciate a bit of your time the next time you're bending God's ear.


dc said...

dont know you bro, but i love what you have to say.

Will said...

I'm with you, man. This is good. You've done it. Now keep doing it.