How To Save A Life.

(Or, How Taking Crappy Pictures of Railroad Signs Can Lead to Someone's Ultimate Salvation).

This is how I see it:

I take my camera and I head out for the day. I take a few hundred pictures. Maybe one or two of them look decent at all. I open Photoshop - edit them, crop them, whatever. I upload them to Flickr. A bunch of people come by and check them out. Some leave comments, others add me to their contacts list. Three things can happen from here...

One - that person comes across this blog. They read up a bit. For some strange reason they become intrigued. They continue reading. Eventually I get around to talking about Jesus and how absolutely amazing He is. That sets off a spark that eventually just burns in that person until they can't help it - the love of Christ just wears them down and builds them back better than ever.

Two - that person gets in touch with me somehow. MySpace. Email. Real life. No idea. We start talking. We continue to talk for a while because God knows I can go on forever. Eventually I get around to talking about Jesus and how absolutely amazing He is. A spark. A fire. A newfound passion erupts in this person.

Three - that person could care less about my pictures. They don't even hit MySpace. This blog has no visitors ever again. I stop writing. But I keep taking pictures. Eventually, I print them out. I frame them. I barter a deal with some guy who owns a coffee shop and he hangs them on the wall. Someone sees them. They get in contact with me (because they like them...I promise). We start talking. They're interested in a story (people like stories). Eventually I get around to talking about Jesus and how absolutely amazing He is. Something starts and it doesn't stop.

All three of these scenarios have little to do with me. Or my pictures. Or my very existence. They'd happen without me, they happen everyday despite me. Thank God, every now and then - I get a chance to be a part of it.

(And, just in case it is unclear - this invitation is open to all. You can share your faith with anyone, at anytime, anywhere, for any reason. You don't have to have a certain occupation. The bounds of expressing joy in Christ and awe of His beauty are without.)

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