MySpace Goodbye?

I am seriously thinking of leaving the MySpace realm. As of right now the decision is on the table and is being deliberated - but it seems that in short time I might be cancelling my account.

But, why?

I have had my fair share of great experiences using MySpace. I have met some wonderful people, engaged in some serious conversations/debates, and been able to minister to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ - as well as people who do not know Him. It has been a fun place to hang out, to learn about new bands, and to experience that type of online social community.

Yet it has also been a place where I have wasted countless hours of my life doing absolutely nothing but staring at a screen, or going through profiles, or waiting for my next message or friend request. I have also spent numerous hours (overall) with a plethora of server errors and various other limitations to the MySpace online experience. I got sucked in and couldn't get out - the whole "aura" of MySpace just took me over for a while.

But, now that I have been busy with school and not on as's given me time to focus and to ask some important questions about what I am using my time for. Not that I won't find another thing to use to waste away the hours...but I think it's about that time for MySpace.

Over the next week or so I'm going to go through and message the people I know personally and don't want to lose contact with, giving them my e-mail address and all that so we can still talk. After that - I'm pretty sure it's over.

There have been good times, MySpace, but it's time to part ways.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

: (