Four Things.

Four Jobs I’ve Had:
- Network Analyst
- Customer Service Representative
- I.S. Volunteer
- Gospel Steward

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
- To pick only 4 movies is unpossible.

Four Places I’ve Lived:
- KY

Four TV Shows I Watch:
- Dirty Jobs
- MythBusters
- Gilmore Girls
- Smallville

Four Places I’ve Vacationed:
- Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg, TN
- Virginia Beach, VA
- Myrtle Beach, SC
- Atlanta, GA

Four Foods I Love:
- Papa John's (Pepperoni Pizza)
- White Castle (Fish Sandwich, Chicken Rings, Fries)
- Applebee's (Bacon Cheeseburger or House Sirloin)
- Common Grounds (Coffee)

Four Sites I Visit Daily
- MySpace
- digg
- Google Options
- RSS Feeds

Four Albums I Can’t Live Without:
- As with movies, I can't pick just 4 albums.

Four Places I’d Rather Be:
- Traveling
- Common Grounds
- Church
- Bed

Four Random Items in Pockets:
- Wallet
- Keys
- Paper (Notes, Receipts, Etc.)
- Hands (Mine)

1 comment:

M said...

You were cool until you let me know you like coffee. How can you? It's like nasty.