myBucks? myLife?

This evening marked quite the church service for me. In fact, sitting in the parking lot of my friend's apartment complex, quickly "dissecting" the evening's message - made me realize that God had actually been using the past week to communicate, through several diverse messages, a concept that I so eagerly long to accept and model in my life. And so, it might be best to start from the beginning.

Wednesday night marked another High School Ministry evening. In the life group I co-lead, we are really trying to give our guys a vision and heart for service - in the church, community, nationally, and internationally. Somehow, by the grace of God, after only one week of prayer and off-time - we were presented with opportunities to fill every one of those areas. We only hope the Spirit of God will continue to move us in the right direction. (Big Picture, #1)

Move to Saturday morning - around 8 A.M. I attended Southland's Men's Ministry meeting to get in touch with someone who is assisting me with finding a mentor/discipler. The message/series is on fighting sexual sin in our lives. However, rather than simply going over what every Christian male has heard numerous times before (and some/most of us have ignored) - the topic focused quickly on the fullness of God in us. The unimaginable power right "under the covers" that is at our disposal. (Big Picture, #2)

Now to Sunday morning - College Café. This weekend our services focused on iBucks - the issue of money and stewardship. This turned me on to the aspect of the "Big Picture" in the first place. It also reiterated numerous concepts I had heard before, thoughts I was having about my own life (relevant experiences, spiritual desires). To those who receive much, much will be expected. The importance of advancing the Kingdom of God. (Big Picture #3)

And, this evening. Wow. Physically exhausting prayer, deep worship. Hard questions. Difficult paths. An absolute amazing revelation into the (hopeful) future of our church, the community, the world.

Are we, as Christians, truly supporting the Kingdom cause? Do we, or are we willing to, surrender everything - our time, our money, our lives - to the call to love God, and...just as love others?

I certainly am not currently achieving this.

But what is stopping us?

"Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater that he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4 (ESV)

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1 (ESV)

It was the loudest I have ever heard it before in church tonight - the music, the voices, and the powerful voice of God telling us to go. To break down walls. To love without fear. To give without reservation. To bring the news of Christ to every soul we encounter. To sacrifice much, if need be, at the feet of Christ so that we can be proper stewards of God's grace upon us, and generous propagators of our massive wealth - financially and spiritually.

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