What The World Needs Now...

...is Jesus. We need to come together as an undivided group of believers who constantly are facedown in worship at His feet. With a Father who was so glorious to send His Son to be slain, for love, our only reasonable response is to give our lives - without reservation - for His glory and His will.

Borrowing the words of John the Baptist, we need to "decrease" and our Lord "increases." He alone is worthy of praise and honor, and we need to be continuously giving of lives lived for that very purpose. There are some in this world who have never seen the magnificent face of Jesus Christ - so many souls who have never understood the wonderful longing to die to self and be completely submitted to an eternity knowing, loving, and worshipping God.

There are so many who are entirely too concerned with this-and-that to see something so great it is without words to be able to be described. We have all turned our backs to the glorious light that is our Lord Jesus - but by God's grace we are called back to see Him in all of His magnificence so that in all times we can have a rejuvenated heart that is overwhelmed with the urgency to spread the message of grace.

How intelligent is the man who denies self and removes the wisdom, power, and lusts of this world to seek something greater than life. The flesh will profit nothing, so let it die and live in faith through the Son of the Most High God.

What words are worthy enough to praise the living God - who was and is and is to come? How in all of the time that I have known and will know my God will I ever be able to understand His love? His ways are so beyond mine that I fall in defeat at the mere thought of trying to decipher them. My only chance, my only hope, is to be completely swept away and lost in Him. This world will give you trials and tribulations - it will prevent you and will force you to stumble. But rejoice! God calls you back up, even lifting you with His unquenchable strength. Never stay in the pit - but look up and praise the God who has never left you alone, who will never reject you.

He came into the world to open our eyes and we must force blindness upon ourselves? Come together into His bosom and receive - with great reverence - the promises He will keep! Nothing is more important - spend the rest of your life fighting the fight to see that!

*Note - This was originally composed a few months ago for another blog I had. If you've already seen it, my apologies.

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