A Collision (or 3+4=7)

I just finished the new album - and I have been blown away. It is absolutely apparent as you go through each track that David Crowder*Band has indeed grown as musicians and artists. Each of the songs just feel so...thick. As I went through the studio version for "Here is Our King," to "Wholly Yours," "Come Awake," "You Are My Joy," and "Rescue is Coming" I just felt lifted up and satisfied. This album is amazingly moving - it is a genuine experience to push "play," slip on the headphones, and just immerse yourself in a musical story.

Crowder's normal "odd" interludes are even a welcome touch, honestly. Even these little idiosyncrasies have grown in complexity and feeling since the last album. What might seem like a hindrance is actually a welcome touch the further you move through the album.

It's funny that just a few hours ago I laughed at this installment possibly being better than "Illuminate." And even as I listened to the first tracks - I wasn't quite sure what was going on - that I would eventually be swept away by a band that has matured and taken leaps and bounds with their newest C.D.

I was first introduced to David Crowder by my good friend John. I entered into fandom with a bit of reservation (partly because the first time I turned the C.D. of "Can You Hear Us" around and actually saw Crowder I freaked...but in a nice way).

I bought that C.D. at WalMart for, I think, $10. I listened to it, maybe once, and it kind of started to attract dust in my collection. It wasn't until Passion 2005 that I actually "fell in love" with DC*B.

They were (are) absolutely amazing live. I had the chance to attend a performance by the band during a late-night concert put on within Nashville (apart from the main worship they also led) and it was insanely FUN. Crowder is hysterical onstage - taking multiple breaks during the show to get the crowd laughing or to just speak his heart. It is truly a performance not to be missed. (Speaking of which, they're coming to Lexington in November...so I might get to see them before I head back out to Passion 2006).

I thank God for putting David Crowder on this earth - his songs are able to move me in such a distinct way - and I always love to worship with his music. I also would like to think my earthly father (*smile*) for getting me this C.D. during his trip to town today...it has certainly been a welcome gift.

In short: This could almost be considered a new David Crowder*Band. Go out and buy this C.D. - you will not be disappointed.

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