It's Been A While.

Not necessarily a month since the last post, but drawing close. I took a look at my last post (from May, below) to get a grasp of what was going through my head then. I wouldn't say that a lot has changed in particular - I am just still growing, still learning/trying to lay things down, and continuing to walk as best I can. I still bring up the subject of hell/free-will, because these are the two topics which are most prevalent on my mind. There is a lot yet that I have NO knowledge of, and a lot that I have limited understanding of - but I continue to pray that God will help enlighten me and show me HIS truth so that I am never deceived by the lies of the world.

I have recently made friends with one of my other friend's neighbors. He seems to be a really cool guy, and a good Christian to boot (however you would think to use that as a descriptive item). We ended up driving to Midway the other day together and got a chance to bond over issues we were both having. It felt awesome to have a "strong" Christian presence around that could also be a friend. I absolutely LOVE talking about God - but it is a lot easier when the other party is receptive towards it...but it can't always be easy :)

Small group has been going rather well. It has been so awesome to witness God working on all of us. He's gotten me back in His word VERY strongly (I'm starting John tonight and have a good plan to work through the whole New Testament by mid-June). He has also helped increase my longing for prayer (and not just in the case of giving thanks for food/etc.)

I just hope that these coming days will prove to be very fruitful for all of the problems/struggles I have been having - as well as increasing those blessings God has added to me. Until then, I must walk by faith (to borrow a line from Jeremy Camp).

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