News From This Side...

Well, I don't really know how best to express it. Praise be to God! could be a start. My friend went with me to church this past Sunday - and let me know this weekend he shall be attending again. Plus, he expressed what I feel is sincere interest in following the four-week message we are currently in until the end. And if that was not enough - his wife (a close friend of mine and one whom I desire greatly to see Christ) is coming with us this weekend. I can only testify that my prayers have been answered in seeing my friend darken the doors of my church. As much as I want to say how great the church is right now, I absolutely MUST give all glory, honor, and praise to God. It is only through His Holy Spirit that my friend has been drawn back - and hopefully will be drawn closer to Him.

The television thing seems to be working well. I haven't turned mine on - it's still unplugged. I have, however, found a few moments when I leeched off of my parent's T.V. time in the living room. Alas, I cannot completely give this addiction up cold-turkey - but I think I am doing better (even though I still am neglecting homework at this moment).

I had some really great thoughts on Jesus today (which of course were not my own, but the Holy Spirit speaking to my soul). I finished the gospel of Matthew this morning and am looking forward to going on in my "trek" through the New Testament. I haven't really been absorbing things, per se, but rather going through and highlighting text as I read. I kid you not - almost the entire breadth of Matthew is colored over in a variety of highlight shades. Orange for what I believe are Old Testament references, blue for Jesus speaking and other things (the entire sermon on the mount I have made blue), and yellow for things that stand out to me. I feel so cool that I have actually read a gospel (this being the first time in my entire life, really). Not necessarily a monumental occasion by some regards...but it has made my day.

I have a lot of things I need to work on - spiritually, physically, etc. This Friday will mark 4 months since I was baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...which I conclude still makes me quite the Christian infant. Yet, I have learned so much and received so much from God since that date. I just need to learn patience and need to allow myself to grow. I still have fears...about the strength of my faith primarily...I just want to give my life to Christ so bad. I don't know how much "easier" that would make things (as I know the way of Christ is VERY difficult). But, with eternity resting on my most recent decision (to make Jesus my Lord and Savior) I think that some small sacrifices (here-and-there, if pleasing to Him) are small prices to pay.

I'll ask now for continued prayer for my family and friends (myself obviously included). This so that God might continue to show His faithfulness and love towards us. I'll be praying for my friends who do not quite know the love of God...and I ask that your thoughts be with them as well. I also pray that the Spirit of God will make known to all of us the wisdom we need and courage we seek to do God's will. In Jesus' holy name I ask all these things, Amen.

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