Glory Be To God!

It is absolutely stunning how awesome God is. Nothing is beyond His power and He continually amazes me every moment. This very week he has shown me the message of the gospel, helped me invite Christ into my body (to be truly saved for maybe the first time since I began my walk), strengthened my prayer life, taught me more than I can outline here, brought my friend back to church (as well as opened his heart), and just before I got home this evening, He allowed me to spend a few hours with my friend's wife, talking about such relevant issues that spoke to me just as much as I pray they spoke to her.

Before I go on I need to praise God and lift His awesome name above all others. Be glorified in all creation, my Lord, and may my works be but reflections of Your majesty.

I hope that my friend's wife will get on here and read this, so that I can speak "directly" to her on this page as I did in her presence. Believe in the power of God! The troubles we spoke about can be temporary and removed when you seek shelter in Christ! Such truth has been revealed to me since we talked - I just wish I could be there to let you know. My true hope is that you will go before God in prayer and ask Him to open your heart and lead you in the direction He wishes.

Father, I pray that my words tonight have been of the Holy Spirit and are a guiding process to Your will for the lives of my friend, his wife, and all who might encounter them. I pray that You will continue to work in their lives and testify to the truth that is happening amongst them. Father, I long for them to turn to you and lose themselves in Your great glory. Fill them with strength, hope, and wisdom in the Spirit of God. Keep them safe from demonic attacks and allow your love and faithfulness to be shown. In all things I pray in Jesus' holy name, amen.

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