2005 (The Mission Statement)

The new year. I'm not exactly sure what kind of clever comment I can make here, so this post will serve as my "main greeting" and should remain on the page, unchanged, for everyone to get a grasp of what will be going on here (until this page fleshes out). My next post(s) will be revolving around http://www.268generation.com and their Passion Conference that I just returned from. A lot of stuff went on during my 4 days in Nashville - so it might take some time and space to go through it all. After that, I plan on attempting some religious commentary, based around what I learned at the conference (we will see how well that goes - I might even try to tackle some topics I have written down and thus far have neglected). I also plan to do something soon (most likely tomorrow before my Passion breakdown begins) about the tsunami (partly because I care, partly because I want to "argue" with my friend John - http://jdwright.us/, and partly because it relates to a couple of staggering things I have witnessed here recently regarding the human spirit, or rather, God's Work in us.) Keep in touch with the page if you are remotely interested - and I'll try my best not to disappoint on a seemingly regular basis. I won't guarantee at this moment what all topics will be about, or whether or not anyone will agree with me - but the absolute best I can ever hope to do is express my personal beliefs and allow any interested individual to either accept them, MATURELY criticize them, or work to a satisfying "compromise." Thanks for coming by - add comments below (when the actual posts start rolling in) and I'll do my best to answer them and provide a forum not just for my public expressions but maybe just a bit of meaningful discussion.

1 comment:

CranberryScone said...

i picked a totally random place to see if i would show up as a member!