He Tells Me Things.
Like tonight. On my way home. In the lyrics to "O, Porcupine" by mewithoutYou, he says:
// you have a decent ear for notes
but you can't yet appreciate harmony. //
And earlier in the day, through this article, he spoke.
And I can think of countless other times in Scripture where the message has been repeated.
Don't be foolish, child.
I love you, and all that...
but I AM God.
You play a very good game of make-believe.
Sometimes you even listen well.
But that doesn't work well to change much.
I AM still who I AM.
It's a good thing.
I promise.
It's a humorous image for me to see this great God hunched over, speaking lovingly, running after me - a little kid blissfully unaware that my diaper is full or about to fall off (how embarrassing), looking at some toy on the distant horizon, intrigued and determined to get there.
Humorous because it's very weird that the scenario is probably true.
Humorous because God loves me enough (for whatever reason) to be a Father.
Humorous in a wonderful way that makes you feel blessed, to laugh.
It's been a nice past week-or-so getting to know this side of my God.