Why America Is Great.

I don't tend to the realm of politics much, for many reasons: it is a very controversial topic; I'm not very excited about what is going on right now domestically or internationally- and I would rather praise than resort to negativity; I'm not well-read and up-to-date enough to be of any assistance or vital importance; and - probably most importantly - there are others who "do politics" much better than I.

I write today because I feel very blessed to be part of this nation. And that blessing, at least recently, has been shown to me in the vast amount of freedom we have. I won't resort to arguments about the current state of "freedom" in America - those who know me personally can ask if they are interested in my opinion. But, I know that at least one freedom remains intact - and that is the freedom to
express, with biting criticism and sarcasm, the leader(s) of this country.

Many have seen the speech given by Stephen Colbert at the 2006 White House Correspondents Association dinner (click here if you have not). It went viral some time back and received massive amounts of attention, both positive and negative.

But I think we might have missed the point. In what other country in the world can someone say the things Stephen did, in the presence of the power he is speaking against, with a result such as this? Stephen is still on television (his show has not been cancelled, or censored, or boycotted - at least not a detrimental amount). Other people are now speaking out as well. This entire situation (and the others like it) create a massive stage where voices and opinions can be heard.

So I am celebrating the fact that I can write whatever I want to. And I am thankful that I can do that without fear. So, if you are an American - take advantage of this beautiful right and make your opinion known. Do it respectfully and with preparation (even Stephen did not simply get on stage and rant).

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