To Do List.

It is not always a good idea for me to set goals, because I either fail or end up not accomplishing anything I set out to do. However, on my ride home this evening I decided to make a list of some things I was thinking about - some things that would do me good:

Slow Down - While I don't strictly speak about my driving habits, it's a nice illustration to use. How often have I been in a hurry to get somewhere? Or, how often have I been frustrated at someone else because they seemed to be impatient? As much as I speak about the comforts and beauty of a slow-paced life, my actions don't support that claim. I can be in for excitement, and I can understand the urgency of certain situations - but I think it is time to slow down.

Lose The Agenda - This can move directly from the above. I love a packed calendar. It makes me feel important when I open mine up and see everyday scheduled with something. Everything from meetings to friend and family time has its own little place, hour-by-hour, on my pretty little calendar. It is time to free my schedule and live life, if only for a short while, without rushing from moment to moment - without anticipating, expecting, or planning every little detail. It could be worse, but I have room for it to be much better.

Love, Unconditionally - This is such an amazingly freeing concept that I find myself shocked it took so long to see. When I speak of my church and what first drew me in - it was the love and acceptance I found there. When I think of Jesus - all the good and the bad moments I see - the thing that pulls me back every time is His love. I have been hearing the word "Love" for so long now that it has both lost its meaning and been completely refreshing for me at the same time. I understand the Biblical basis for Christian direction - the discernment of damaging behavior in people's lives, the call to something better. I'm starting with love. I'm jumping on that bandwagon and I am building on that foundation. I don't know when I'll be done there. I'm not rushing the construction.

Love Others As Myself (The Two-Fold Plan) - This is a biggie. I am my own worst critic. But how do I direct that to others? If I saw a friend or a family member in need - would I help them? If they were struggling with something - would I condemn them or would I love and encourage them? I need to do this same thing for myself. I have to realize the value that God has placed on me - I need to see myself and my worth in His love towards me - and then I need to send that out in every direction. If I feed myself, clothe myself, nurture myself - my neighbor deserves that just as much. If I listen to my neighbor, comfort them, support them, encourage them - I need to love myself in that same way. A selfless service to others, reciprocated in my selfless love of myself.

And there's so much more. They'll come to me, and some of them might go. But I see them - and I take pleasure and hope in that. I can have goals. I can make movements knowing God is leading me. Does what I feel and what I know line up with my understanding of God? As I get to know Him more these things will present themselves and they will all fall in line.

1 comment:

CatFish said...

Great insight. Thanks.