
I had heard only good things about this movie. I remember when I first saw the trailer for it I knew that I wanted to check it out. I never made it to the theater, but tonight a friend invited me over to his house and I finally got a chance to check it out.

I'm pretty sure that Jet Li's acting in this movie was not on accident (meaning that he knew what he was doing and how he was playing his part). If that is the case, I am: one, very sorry that I have seen a few of his other movies (english-dubbed or otherwise) that have given me a negative opinion of him; and, two, I am sorry that he has been type-cast for so long. This is the best movie I have seen Jet Li in and the best I have ever seen Jet Li act.

Sure, most people just like him because he is an amazing martial artist; however, in this movie it is much more than that. There is emotion, danger, feeling. Yes, he fights - but they are brutal. There are still the stylized, fluid elements - but this is a different Jet Li that is kicking and punching...it's not just for the camera and the cool looks, it's because he has to - to be free, to be the man he wants to be.

I'm not going to summarize this movie because I don't want to detract anything from it. However, I highly recommend it. You will not be wasting your time or money to check this out - it is truly superb.

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