Review: As I Lay Dying Concert

The Line-Up: Winter Solstice, All That Remains, Throwdown, As I Lay Dying

We ended up arriving to the show nearly an hour early - and because a line had already formed at the door we made the decision to park and wait. Doors were supposed to open at 7:30, yet because of matters I still do not understand, the venue didn't start searching/allowing people in until about that time or later (which meant it took about another hour for every person in line to make their way into the venue).

My dad and I waited a bit and when we finally hit the line to get in the first band had already taken stage - so I missed, I think, three songs from one of the bands I wanted to see...which did bum me out a bit. The rest of the set I did catch was VERY good however, and I have listened to their album ("The Fall of Rome") that I picked up at the show probably four times now. Very good metal band, unique singing style/vocals.

After Winter Solstice finished, All That Remains took stage. They weren't bad, per se, but I just couldn't really get into them. I have kind of left behind my attraction towards secular music - and considering the band I really wanted to see was only going to come on after this band and the next, I kind of went through a Sinai Beach moment and didn't really pay attention to anything.

Throwdown (a band which had quite a lot of crowd support) went on after All That Remains. I had already seen these guys at Ozzfest '04 - so there was really nothing new for me here. They are an okay hardcore band...but there is nothing that I would say differentiates them from any other band taking influence from that genre. The crowd (at least, the Throwdown supporters) went nuts during every song...but I sat back myself and waited for the headlining band.

As I Lay Dying, even in their paltry 30-or-so minute set, absolutely delivered. The first and last song were the two specifically that I wanted to hear. They also managed to throw in two of the songs from their new album coming out this summer - and neither disappointed. I was up on my feet the entire set - into the music without being absolutely crazy (because I was still in the bar area so I could have an unobstructed view). These guys are absolutely metal and do not stop when playing live - giving their all and leaving everyone satisfied.

Overall, the show deserves an A ranking. The atmosphere (compared to the last show) was lacking...but that is no fault of the bands playing. I also had a bit of a headache for a while, so that detracted from the experience as well. But, in the end, it was worth the money and time. Great show, great times.

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